Jeffrey Pastva, FAIA is an architect and Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC) with a deep expertise in housing — affordable, student, senior, single-family, multi-family, new builds, and rehabs.

Jeffrey believes architects have a fleeting opportunity to take the lead in solving one of today’s biggest challenges — housing.

He’s led at every level of the AIA:

  • 2021 AIA Pennsylvania President

  • AIA Philadelphia board member

  • National YAF Director of Communications

  • Editor-in-Chief of YAF CONNECTION and College of Fellows QUARTERLY

Beyond architecture, Jeffrey has shaped citywide design policy. As co-chair of his neighborhood’s Architectural Review Committee, he also helped set the standard for design review committees across Philadelphia.

He also spearheaded a community development partnership between AIA National’s Blueprint for Better program, AIA Pennsylvania, and the Borough of New Cumberland, PA. The initiative became a national model, earning a Gold Award from the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) in 2020.